BSA Mission Statement

Boy Scouts of America Mission Statement
"The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lots Lots Lots to do.

Hello everyone. I hope this blog finds you all will and happy. A lot is coming up on us this week. So lets dig in with both hands and feet and get started.

1. Popcorn - Popcorn is the big way we fund our Pack on getting awards and such. The more we make the more the pack can do and a better scouting program we can put on. I know the prices are high but they gave a little more popcorn this year in the bags. Explain it to help the Council and the pack. If you have someone that don't want to buy popcorn they can donate money to the Pack and I write them a receipt.
-- Please make sure you have your buyers to fill in the order form completely and neat as possible. Bring your form in each week. So your son name can be put in the drawing for a prize. For each $20.00 sold his name go in a jar to be draw ed out for a weekly prize and also in the end of the month sale jar for the crossbow. As for the council awards Every Scout that sales at least one item will get a patch or pin. Then starting at $25o they can pick a prize or take a $10.00 Walmart gift card and so on. The Sale starts Oct. 1st. and Ends the 31st. Then I HAVE TO HAVE THE SALE FORMS NOVEMBER 2ND MEETING. I need them to be totaled and the prize reward chosen filled. So any question e-mail or call me.

Parent Son camp out this week end. Meet at Flat Rock Church by 5:00 Cost of food will be decided after I get them bought and paid Friday. You will need to pack the following. Tent, ground tarp, Small trap to put over your tent. Sleeping mat, sleeping bag, Clothes class A and B for 2 days, close toe shoes. tooth bush, tooth paste,wash cloth and towel, mess kit (plastic plate and cup with fork and spoon works.)and flash light, We meet back Sunday VFW 11:00 or close as.

Leaders meeting tonight to go over meeting plans. So we all be on the same page.

Momma Bear

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