BSA Mission Statement

Boy Scouts of America Mission Statement
"The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law."

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pack 699 2011 Pinewood Derby Rules

1. Boy must be a registered Scout with Pack 699.
2. Boy must attend 10 meetings and/or events between 1/1/2011 and 3/22/2011.
3. Cars entered in 2010 or earlier are not allowed to compete.
4. Car must be the official Boy Scout Car kit. Must use the nail axles and wheels that come with the kit.
5. Cars must weigh no more than 5oz. (141.8 grams). The car may be hollowed out and built up to maximum weight by additional wood or metal as long as it is securely built into the car.
6. The overall width of the car shall not exceed 2 3/4 ". Length shall not exceed 7 ". Heighth shall not exceed 3 1/2". Distance between the front and rear wheel axles (wheelbase) must be
4 7/16".
7. The width of the wheel surface touching the track must not be reduced. Wavering or rounding of the wheel surface is prohibited. Wheels may be sanded or polished. Excessive sanding or polishing that make the BSA marking on wheel unreadable will render the wheels illegal.
8. Only powdered graphite is allowed.
9. Painting and detailing are allowed. Any obscene or derogatory marking or words are prohibited.
10. The car must be free wheeling with no starting devices.
11. On race day cars are inspected and impounded. Only starters, runners and Race Judges can handle the cars.
12. All race repairs will be supervised by pit crew judge.
14. Overzealous parents may cause the disqualification of their son's car. Please remember this is the boy's race for the boys to enjoy.
15. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in speed and in design will go to district in April. If your son cannot go, please let me know in time so 4th and down can go in their place.
16. If your son places in speed and design he has to choose in which he wants to compete in district so another Scout can receive a top 3 award.

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